Monday, February 18, 2013

Chicken Pesto Pita Wraps

You may have tried various diets you've read about in books, magazines and the internet. If you notice, most of them claim to be "the one" that will make you thinner and keep the pounds off forever. They are all wrong by the way. The truth is, not every BODY is the same so no
single diet will work for everyone. Be aware or more careful of so-called diet plans that claim it will work for EVERYONE. I do not claim to be such a health buff, but ever since being diagnosed as pre- hypertensive and advised by my dietitian to go high fiber I became more aware what and how much food intake I must consume. Preparing my own food gave me much better choices of what my healthy options are. It allows me to control the amount of salt and oil to use. I can also plan my weekly menu and create balanced meals. 

I use to cook using cheap cooking oils, those were the first ones I threw out and since then I advocated on using Olive oil for cooking main dishes. I use Canola, Sunflower or Corn oil for frying. Pork meat I try to avoid it as much as possible. I do have cheat days too, once a month I enjoy an ice cream which is my favorite comfort food but no cakes and I’m not big on cakes. 

One example of a health sandwich that I usually make is Chicken Pita wrap with no mayonnaise sometimes I use yogurt and hummus... well, more of hummus now since I learned how to make it too. Sometimes I use white shrimps, tuna, boiled chicken meat pieces and lots of green vegetables I can throw in. This light pita sandwich is great for lunch, supper, or both.  Hummus and pita bread! Does it get any better!


12 pcs. Pita bread (use whole wheat one if available)

6 pcs. SM Deli Chicken Pesto Tonkatsu (fried and cut into strips)

3 big red tomatoes

5 stalks of fresh celery

Fresh green lettuce

1 green cucumber

1 cup of hummus (mix with a little olive oil)

Paprika (optional)

Cumin (optional)

Grated cheese (optional)


Fry chicken tonkatsu in canola oil until golden brown, drain in paper towel. Toast pita bread in pan or open stove. Assemble the wrap by laying lettuce, chopped tomatoes, cucumbers, celery, chicken, Top with a dollop of hummus. Roll and wrap. 

You’ll love all the flavors blended into a yummy chicken pita wrap!

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