Monday, January 7, 2013

Lumpiang Pechay (Snow Cabbage Spring Rolls)

 Pechay/ Petsay, is more popularly known as Pak Choy or Bok Choy in Chinese, a great example of a green leafy vegetable with high vitamin A, and C nutrients. It is also a good source of potassium and fiber. Pechay, lowers an individual's risk of
breast and colon cancer. Pechay is best enjoyed in a wide variety of uses like adding it to meat soups, noodle dishes, or just plain sauteed. 

While buying pechay or snow cvabbage in English, look for fresh ones that has dark green and full leaves. The more fresh it is, the higher the nutrient content value it has. Before adding ti to any dish, wash and soak them in a bowl of cold water water with white vinegar. Rinse them under running water after three minutes of soaking. This process kills bacteria and removes any pesticide residues and dirt. 

Each serving of pechay is low in calorie and low in fat, which makes it ideal for dieters. I tried to present another way to enjoy the green leafy vegetables of pechay, by making Lumpiang Pechay. I omitted using any meat and focus on the pechay's nutritional value and benefits. Very affordable and good dish for the health conscious ones.~ HIR.


2 bunches pechay leaves discard the white stem, chopped
20 pieces lumpia wrapper
2 stalks kinchay (chinese parsley)
1/4 Eden cheese block
3 cloves garlic
1/2 cup ground peanuts
salt and pepper
olive oil


2 tbsp. Lady's Choice Mayonnaise

1 tbsp. Banana Catsup


brown garlic in olive oil

quickly stir fry pechay and chinese parsley, do not overcoook.

add a dash of salt and pepper.

set aside, allow to cool before wrapping.

spoon a mixture on the wrapper and pair with a strip of cheese. Don't put in too much filling because the cooking time is short — just long enough to brown the wrapper,a thick filling and wrapper will not make the lumpia fully cooked through.

rolled and ready to fry.

deep fry and drain on paper towels.

a new idea and healthy option of enjoying fried spring rolls. 

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