Monday, July 29, 2013

Chicken Potato Salad

What I love most about making Chicken Potato Salad is you can throw anything you fancy and find appropriate to be included in this easy to make dish that is

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Nilagang Baka (Beef Brisket Soup with Vegetables)

With the onset of the rainy season that brings in colder days and nights, this Filipino dish is so good and the favorite comfort food on a cold weather. My secret for having a clear and tasty broth is

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Pinoy Style Chicken Teriyaki and Native Mustard Leaves Salad

It was a rainy Sunday when I thought of making my own version of this Teriyaki inspired dish. The original Teriyaki dish really required the use of Japanese ingredients like mirin and sake, but since it is not

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Sweet Chili Garlic Sauce

Its not rocket science really but this sauce is the only recipe I went on a trial and error process twice. The tricky part of making this sauce is the garlic. I tried to simplify the ingredients although I have seen posts about